
China Pharma IP Summit is a serial event dedicated to pharmaceutical IP protection, and so far we have hold 2 sessions in the year of 2016 and 2017. Government agencies, pharmaceutical/biotech companies, law firms/ IP agencies and other IP solution providers have been invited to attend and we discussed lots of hot issues. Meanwhile, the event has been a good networking platform for industry experts both from local China and abroad.

2017 is a year of great significance in China pharmaceutical industry. On May 2017, China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) issued Policy Notice No. 55, entitled “Policies Relevant to the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Innovators for the Encouragement of Innovation in Drugs and Medical Devices”. On October 2017, the Opinions on Deepening the Review and Approval System Reform and Encouraging the Drug and Medical Device Innovation was officially issued, clearly putting forward the establishing patent linkage system, launching pilot program on drug patent extension, completing data protection and implementing list of marketed drugs. At the moment, China is conducting legislation for patent linkage and patent extension, which draws lots of attention.

In terms of intellectual property judicial, on Feb 2018, General Office of the CPC and General Office of the State Council issued Strengthening the Intellectual Property Judicial Reform and Innovation, which is the first guiding document regarding to intellectual property judicial. Pharmaceutical is heavily relied on IP protection, and we predict the guiding document will have influence on pharmaceutical IP litigation in China.

Based on the background, we are glad to inform that 3rd China Pharma IP Summit 2018 will be hold on 24th -26th October in Beijing, providing a platform to discuss updated policies and hot issues.

Through the event, you will have chance to:

1. Follow the latest development of patent linkage and patent term extension reform in China

2. Understand the differences and updated requirements of examination standards, patent invalidation, patent litigation in China, US, EU, Japan and other region.

3. Learn IP management experience from pharmaceutical company

4. Meet you clients/partners fact to face and interact with industry peers

The participants are mainly from pharma/biotech companies, law firms, IP/patent agencies, IP/patent solution providers, governments, relevant associations, research institutes. If you would like to attend or sponsor our summit, please feel free to call / email us to reserve your seats ASAP!

Thanks again for your attention and looking forward to your participation!


Day1:24, Oct. 2018

Day1 Morning: Policies Updated in China

0730 Registration


Opening Remarks

Qingkui Zhang, Director, Pharmaceutical IP Research Committee of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association


Pharmaceutical IP Index and Evaluation of Pre-Revenue Pharmaceutical Innovators Going Public in Hong Kong

Pharmaceutical companies developing new drugs in clinical trials can now file IPO in Hong Kong without any revenue if they have strong long term patent rights. Tony Chen (Jones Day) and Matthew Chervenak (General Biologic) will introduce a Pharmaceutical IP Index to measure true economic exclusivity of innovative drugs by taking into account patent term, patent strength, regulatory data protection and other factors. They will demonstrate how π Value will help the market assess the long term IP value of innovative pharmaceutical companies in China and explain the potential impact of pharmaceutical IP reform in China on innovation.

Tony Chen, Partner, Jones Day

Matthew Chervenak, Founder and CEO, General Biologic (GBI)


Panel Discussion: Pharmaceutical Innovation and IP Protection in China

China is exploring to establish patent linkage and patent term extension system. The industry is waiting for more detailed implementation rules. We will invite experts to share the updates and developments.


Yongshun Cheng, Director, Beijing Intellectual Property Institute


Qingkui Zhang, Director, Pharmaceutical IP Research Committee of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association

Tony Chen, Partner, Jones Day

Taoxi Lin, IP Director, HEC Group


Coffee Break


Projecting Characteristics and Trends of Pharma Patent Invalidation in China under the New Patent Linkage System

Juhua Luo, Deputy Director of Chemical Patent Department, CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office


The Patent Linkage for Pharmaceuticals -A Worldwide Perspective

Yehudah Livneh, Strategic IP Consultant;

Former General Patent Counsel and VP Corporate IP and Legislative Affairs, Teva Pharmaceuticals

1240 Lunch Buffet

Day 1 Afternoon: Focus on US


Chair Speech

Ningling Wang,Shanghai Office Managing Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,Garrett & Dunner, LLP


Strategies to Improve Certainty and Reduce Costs in Paragraph IV Litigation

Shashank Upadhye, Founding Partner, Amin Talati Upadhye, LLP


Business Development of Pharma Companies in the Era of Big Data: Leveraging Patent Information in Strategic Partnership Scouting and Drug Development

Li Miao, IP Consultant, LexisNexis


Coffee Break


Navigating the IP/FDA Exclusivity Waters Recent Developments Affecting The Journey to 505(b)(1), 505(b)(2), ANDA and Biologics Approval in the US

Christopher Griffith, Founding Partner, Green, Griffith & Borg-Breen LLP


Navigating the Safe Harbor Provision of the Hatch-Waxman Act

Alyson Wooten, Counsel, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP


Panel Discussion:Strengths and Risks in the Use of Patents to Protect Market Exclusivity in the US


Ningling Wang,Shanghai Office Managing Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,Garrett & Dunner, LLP


Janet Xiao, Partner, Morrison & Foerster LLP

Cynthia Lan Martin, Senior Patent Attorney, AstraZeneca

Steven H. Sklar, Member, Leydig, Voit & Mayer

Yieyie Yang, Associate, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP

1800 Cocktail  (Sponsored  by Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP

Day2: 25, Oct. 2018

Day2 Morning: Focus on China


Chairman Opening Remark

Chairman: Li Wu, Senior Consultant, AnJie Law Firm


Pharmaceutical High Value Patent Cultivation

Qiujuan Ma, Director for Pharmaceutical, Patent Examination Cooperation Center of SIPO


Pharmaceutical Patent Trial in China

Chi Su, Director of IP Case Guidance Research (Beijing) Base of the Supreme Peoples Court and President of Beijing IP Law Association; First President, Beijing Intellectual Property Court (Retired in Dec. 2017)


Coffee Break


Analyzing and Discussing Pharmaceutical Patent Infringement Litigation Case



Panel Discussion: Regulatory Data Protection in China


Chen Yang, Senior Counsel, Sidley Austin LLP


Xu Yang, Patent Attorney, BeiGene, Ltd.

Kent Yang, Head Patents China, Novartis Pharmaceuticals (China)

Yue Yang, Director, International Center for Food and Drug Policy and Law,

Shenyang Pharmaceutical University


Panel Discussion: Hot Cases of Pharmaceutical Patent Invalidation in China and Implication


Li Wu, Senior Consultant, AnJie Law Firm


Xiaolan Ren, Director of Chemical Appeal Department, The Patent Reexamination Board of the CNIPA (National Intellectual Property Administration, PRC)

Feng Xu, IP Director for China and Asia, AstraZeneca

Nick Liu, Partner, AnJie Law Firm (Former Senior Judge at Intellectual Property Division of Beijing Higher Peoples Court)

1235 Lunch

Day2 Afternoon: Focus on EU


Chair Speech

Andreas Oser, Partner, Prüfer & Partner


The Latest Developments at EPO (including pertinent case law)

Klaus-Peter Döpfer, Director Biotechnology, Sector Healthcare-Biotechnology-Chemistry, EPO


The Supplementary Protection Certificate in Europe and Potential Modification (including introduction of a manufacturing waiver)

Andreas Oser, Partner, Prüfer & Partner


Coffee Break


Is your invention plausible? The rising importance of the “plausibility” hurdle in life science and pharmaceutical patents”

Hsu Min Chung, Partner, HGF Limited


Secondary Patents - Current Developments And Challenges in Europe

Ute Kilger, Partner, Boehmert & Boehmert

Markus Engelhard, Partner, Boehmert & Boehmert


Panel Discussion: Patent Protection and Enforcement of First, Second or Further Medical Uses of Known Compounds/Pharmaceutical Products in Europe


Andreas Oser, Partner, Prüfer & Partner


Hsu Min Chung, Partner, HGF Limited

Klaus-Peter Döpfer, Director Biotechnology, Sector Healthcare-Biotechnology-Chemistry, EPO

Ute Kilger, Partner, Boehmert & Boehmert

Markus Engelhard, Partner, Boehmert & Boehmert

Day3: 26, Oct. 2018

Day3 Morning: Other Region


Chairman Opening Remark:

Mahendra B. Thakre, General Manager – IPR Legal, Mylan Laboratories Limited


Pharmaceutical Patent Protection and Patent Term Extension Regime in Japan

Koichiro Morihira, Head of Intellectual Property, Astellas Pharma Inc.


Optimizing Overseas Pharma M&A DecisionsBig Data Supported IP Due Diligence

Chieh-Mei Wang, Vice President, ScienbiziP Consulting (Shen Zhen) Co., Ltd.


Coffee Break


The Generic Pharmaceutical in India and Patent Compulsory Licensing System

Mahendra B. Thakre, General Manager – IPR Legal, Mylan Laboratories Limited


US Updates and Effect on Pharmaceutical Companies

Todd Volyn, Associate Patent Counsel, Johnson & Johnson


Conference Closing Remark


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